Brentwood Divorce Attorney

Often, the decision to end a marriage is not one that is made easily. There are many things to worry about with an impending divorce. Apart from the heartache, other practical considerations inform the decision to get a divorce. If there are children in the marriage, you might be worried about your children. If you were financially dependent on your spouse, you might be concerned about how you will take care of yourself after the divorce.

The best way to deal with the anxiety of a pending divorce is to contact an experienced divorce lawyer who can give you information about your legal options. To get information about your divorce case, contact the experienced Brentwood divorce lawyers at Burdine Law Firm.

  • At Burdine Law Firm, our divorce lawyers are experienced in handling all types of divorce cases including contentious and high-net-worth divorce cases.
  • Our Brentwood family law attorneys recognize that divorce can take a financial and emotional toll on you, and provide solutions to efficiently and cost-effectively resolve your divorce case.
  • Our divorce litigators have the experience to take your case to trial if settlement negotiations fail.

If you are going through a divorce, let the Brentwood divorce attorneys at Burdine Law Firm take the worry of the legal process off your mind. For more information about how Burdine Law Firm can help you, call us today at (629) 529-4615 to schedule a consultation.

The Divorce Process in Brentwood, Tennessee

The divorce process can be long and complex, while we cannot guarantee how long it will take for your divorce to be finalized, we can guarantee that we will not stop fighting for you until all the issues in your divorce are finalized.

Grounds for Divorce in Tennessee

Although Tennessee state law allows for divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences, TN Code § 36-4-103 (2021) provides that parties wishing to divorce based on irreconcilable differences must have a written agreement that adequately provides for the custody and maintenance of the children of the marriage, and for the equitable division of any marital property. Such agreement must meet the court’s satisfaction, otherwise, the court may step in to amend the agreement. If your divorce is based on irreconcilable differences, our experienced Brentwood divorce lawyers can help you create an agreement according to the requirements of the law.

Whether your divorce is based on irreconcilable differences or on other grounds such as adultery, bigamy, cruelty, or felony conviction provided for under TN Code § 36-4-101 (2021), our divorce lawyers have the expertise to guide you through the legal process.

What Happens After a Divorce Petition is Filed?

After a divorce petition is filed, it can take years before a divorce order is granted. If there are children in the marriage, the court must be satisfied that the parties have an adequate parenting plan addressing where and with whom the children will live and who will have physical and legal custody of the children.

In cases involving high-net-worth parties, the parties may need to investigate and gather information on their respective assets to determine the value of the marital assets. When the parties are not on agreeable terms, the process can drag on for months or even years. You may need court orders to achieve some of your goals. For example, for orders related to the children of the marriage, the court may appoint attorneys to ensure that the interests of the children are protected. The court may make orders such as a psychological evaluation or parental capacity evaluation to assess the mental health of the parents and their parenting abilities before a final order on child custody and visitation is made.

Other court orders that may be necessary while the divorce is pending include an order to restrain one party from harassing, threatening, or assaulting the other party, or making disparaging remarks about the other party in the presence of the children. An order restraining one party from relocating the children outside the state, without the consent of the other party, may also be necessary.

Division of Marital Property

Marital property is any property acquired during a marriage. While this is a short and simple definition of marital property, the identification of marital property can be challenging. For example, under certain circumstances, when one party contributes substantially to the increase in value of the other party’s separate property, that increase in value may be characterized as marital property. The experienced Brentwood property division lawyers at Burdine Law Firm will help ensure that your marital property, assets, and liabilities are accurately accounted for and that you are fairly treated in the division of your marital property.

Are Divorce Orders Modifiable?

Not all divorce orders are modifiable. Generally, the division of property orders is not modifiable. However, orders related to child issues such as child custody, visitation, and child support are modifiable. Alimony orders may also be modifiable. You may be able to modify an existing order if there is a substantial and material change in the circumstances on which the orders were based. If you are trying to modify an existing divorce order, the skilled Brentwood divorce lawyers at Burdine Law Firm can help you.

How an Experienced Brentwood Divorce Lawyer Can Help in Your Divorce Case

An experienced Brentwood divorce attorney can significantly impact the outcome of your divorce. The orders from a divorce can significantly impact your future, whether it be your relationship with your children or your financial future. You need an experienced divorce lawyer to protect your interests. The Brentwood divorce attorneys at Burdine Law Firm provide clear explanations of your legal options, empowering you to make informed decisions to protect your future.

Get Help From the Brentwood Divorce Lawyer at Burdine Law Firm

If you are seeking a divorce lawyer who will advocate for you through every step of the process, the Brentwood divorce attorneys at Burdine Law Firm can help you. Contact us for a consultation to address your concerns and get clarity on your legal options.