Nashville Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer

Entering into a marriage means creating a financial partnership, not just a romantic relationship. Unfortunately, if things go wrong, this means your future financial security could be impacted.

At Burdine Law Firm, PLLC, we can help you create a legally valid premarital agreement that ensures your assets and income will be safe even if your relationship comes to an end. Give our Nashville divorce lawyers a call today at (629) 529-4615 to learn more about how we can help.

What is a Prenuptial Agreement in Nashville?

A prenuptial agreement, or prenup, is a contract that you enter into in anticipation of marriage. The agreement will determine what should happen in the event of a future divorce. Specifically, the contract that you create can specify:

  • How marital property and debt should be divided
  • What alimony, if any, should be awarded to a lower-earning spouse
  • How the couple should divide financial responsibilities
  • Post-divorce living arrangements

However, there are some topics that prenups can’t address, such as child custody issues or child support. Custody decisions are to be made in the best interest of the child and the right to child support belongs to the child and can’t be waived by a parent.

Learn more about premarital asset protection FAQs answered by our experienced prenuptial agreement lawyers in Nashville.

Are Prenuptial Agreements Enforceable in Tennessee?

Tennessee Code Section 36-3-501 makes clear that prenuptial agreements should be followed, stating “any antenuptial or prenuptial agreement entered into by spouses concerning property owned by either spouse before the marriage that is the subject of such agreement shall be binding upon any court having jurisdiction over such spouses.”

However, there are a few caveats built into that statute. Specifically, the prenup should be binding:

  • “Not with standing any other provision of law to the contrary”
  • “If such agreement is determined, in the discretion of such court, to have been entered into by such spouses freely, knowledgeably, and in good faith and without the exertion of duress or undue influence upon either spouse.”

In other words, what you agree to cannot be illegal, and both spouses must agree willingly and with a full understanding of its terms.

contact a nashville prenup agreement lawyer for expert legal advice

How Can a Nashville Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer Help You?

At Burdine Law Firm, PLLC, our experienced Nashville prenuptial agreement lawyers have a deep understanding of the laws governing the validity of prenups in Tennessee.

We can help you to draft a legally binding agreement that protects your future finances. Our Nashville prenup attorneys can also review premarital contracts and provide advice on their fairness, and assist with the process of negotiating a contract with your future spouse.  Finally, our Nashville prenuptial agreement lawyers can help you during a divorce to argue for or against the validity of your prenuptial contract.

Our focus as a firm is to help you envision and build the future you’re hoping for after a divorce. A prenuptial agreement can make it much easier for you to protect that future, so we’ll fight hard on your behalf to ensure you enter into a contract that’s right for you and to ensure your rights established in these contracts are upheld by the court

Give our specialized Nashville family law lawyers a call at (629) 529-4615 today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help.