Nashville Contested Divorce Attorney

Navigating a contested divorce can be a daunting process that drains you emotionally and financially. The process of divorce can be confusing, and in the midst of negotiating the division of shared assets, you may wonder if you’re being treated fairly. At Burdine Law Firm, we understand the complex process and feelings associated with contested divorce and are here to guide you through the process. With over 15 years of experience in family law, our family law attorneys in Nashville strive to provide every client with compassionate guidance and fierce advocacy throughout their contested divorce process.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward resolving your contested divorce matter. Call us at (615) 576-3563 or contact us online to get started.

Why Hire Burdine Law Firm?

A contested divorce can be a difficult process to undergo. It can be helpful to have a professional legal advocate on your side to help you make informed decisions and fight for your fair treatment. When you work with Burdine Law Firm we will:

  • Use our 15 years of experience in family law to advocate for you. We have a deep understanding of the contested divorce process in Tennessee and will help uphold your rights.
  • Tailor our strategies to meet your unique needs. Our experienced Nashville divorce lawyer understands that every divorce is different, so we take the time to hear your story and tailor our services accordingly so that we can help you in the ways you need.
  • Help you make rational, informed decisions. We know that the process of divorce can heighten emotions, and we will be there every step of the way to offer our professional support and guidance.

What is a Contested Divorce?

A contested divorce is a type of divorce where the spouses cannot come to a mutual agreement on one or more key issues related to the dissolution of their marriage. Because they cannot agree on all aspects, these types of divorces require more time and resources than in uncontested divorce cases.

It is important to note that in order to file for divorce in Tennessee at least one spouse must have lived in Tennessee for at least six months prior to filing.

Common Topics of Contention in Contested Divorce

If you and your spouse cannot come to an agreement on these topics after filing, you will enter into the discovery process. This process entails the exchange of information and documents such as financial records, property valuations, and evidence related to child custody or support arrangements.

Once the information has been gathered spouses and their attorneys will enter into negotiations to try and reach agreements on the various issues of contention.

If spouses need assistance to reach an agreement, they can enter into mediation where an impartial party facilitates discussion between the spouses to help them reach an agreement. A mediator in Nashville is there to help the spouses explore their options and communicate effectively, not to make decisions.

If an agreement can be made, spouses can formalize it into a legally binding document known as the settlement agreement. This agreement outlines the terms of their divorce and must be approved by the court. If spouses cannot come to an agreement, they will proceed to trial. In trial, each spouse will have the opportunity to present evidence, testimony, and argument to the judge who will then make decisions on the unresolved issues.

How an Experienced Nashville Contested Divorce Lawyer Can Help You

If you are considering divorce or have started the process of divorce and need the help of an experienced attorney, Burdine Law Firm can help. We have more than 15 years of experience in family law and know how to help you navigate the legal landscape of contested divorce. Our team is dedicated to helping our clients get the best possible outcomes in their divorces.

Contact Burdine Law Firm Today

Let Burdine Law Firm help you through the process of your contested divorce. Call us today at (615) 576-3563 or contact us online to get started.